
gitbook -h

Usage: gitbook [options] [command]


    versions                          list installed versions
    versions:print                    print current version to use in the current directory
    versions:available                list available versions on NPM
    versions:install [version]        force install a specific version of gitbook
    versions:link [folder] [version]  link a version to a local folder
    versions:uninstall [version]      uninstall a specific version of gitbook
    versions:update [tag]             update to the latest version of gitbook
    help                              list commands for a specific version of gitbook
    *                                 run a command with a specific gitbook version


    -h, --help               output usage information
    -V, --version            output the version number
    -v, --gitbook [version]  specify GitBook version to use
    -d, --debug              enable verbose error

输入以下命令查看更详细的帮助信息 gitbook help

build [book] [output]      build a book
    --format      Format to build to (Default is website; Values are website, json, ebook)
    --log      Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)

  pdf [book] [output]      build a book to pdf
    --log      Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)

  epub [book] [output]      build a book to epub
    --log      Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)

  mobi [book] [output]      build a book to mobi
    --log      Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)

  serve [book]      Build then serve a gitbook from a directory
    --port      Port for server to listen on (Default is 4000)
    --lrport      Port for livereload server to listen on (Default is 35729)
    --watch      Enable/disable file watcher (Default is true)
    --format      Format to build to (Default is website; Values are website, json, ebook)
    --log      Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)

  install [book]      install plugins dependencies

  init [directory]      create files and folders based on contents of SUMMARY.md
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